Traveling to and from Campobello Island
By Air
The three closest commercial airports to Campobello Island are St. Johns in New Brunswick, Bangor ME and Bar Harbor ME. All three airports are about the same amount of drive time to Campobello Island. Bangor Airport has the most scheduled flights and usually costs the least to get to from most locations. Bangor has regularly scheduled, non-stop flights to and from Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta.
Effective November 7, 2007, Allegiant Air will offer non-stop service from Bangor International Airport to Orlando-Sanford International Airport.
There are also two municipal airports nearby for private or chartered aircraft.
Eastport Maine Airport

Lubec Maine Airport

By Land
By Sea
U.S. and Canadian Customs Border Patrol Stations
At each end of the FDR International Bridge is a Customs Border Patrol Station for each country. U.S. or Canadian citizens enjoy easy access to either country with only a Driver’s License provided it has a photo. In 2008 passports will be required. At both checkpoints, customs agents usually ask where you were born, where you currently live, the purpose and duration of your trip and whether you are crossing with any alcohol, tobacco, firearms or meat products. They will usually ask you to pop your trunk so that they can take a quick look. Once that’s done, you’re allowed to pass. It is rare when the line is more that a few minute wait.